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More Ramadan FAQs

More Ramadan FAQs



I forgot I was fasting, is my fast broken?


t is believed that eating or drinking unintentionally during fasting does not break your fast. As long as you stop once you remember, your fast is still valid.


What type of food(s) should I be opening my fast with?


A fast is typically opened with dates or salt, and then usually followed by a meal. For information on healthy eating during Ramadan click here


Which Duas (Prayers) are recommended during Ramadan?


There are various Duas with endless benefits for recitation during the Holy month of Ramadan.
Amongst these, there is a Dua to be recited at the beginning of a fast, during Suhoor (the morning meal). This Dua is referred to as the niyah (intention to fast).
There is also a Dua to be recited at the end of a fast, during Iftar (the evening meal).


Can I brush my teeth?


There are many references as to whether or not it is permissible to brush your teeth during Ramadan. Please consult your local Imam for further information.


What exemptions are there?


Illness, old age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation and travelling are all reasons that exempt the individual from fasting. Those with permanent or long-term illnesses are advised to seek medical advice and guidance if they wish to fast.
People who cannot fast because they have fallen ill or are travelling during Ramadan are obliged to make up for the days they have missed.
Those who cannot fast at all because they are old, infirm or ill are obliged to pay Fidyah, the daily equivalent of two meals for a person for each day of fasting missed.
Any Muslim who deliberately breaks a fast without reason or does not fast during Ramadan is liable for Kaffarah.


What is Sadaqah?


Sadaqah is any form of voluntary charity. It is optional, can be given at any time and for the purposes of helping the poor and those in need, or for social and welfare purposes. There are different forms of sadaqah e.g. sadaqah jariah has an on-going or long-term benefit. As well as donations, sadaqah is also any act of goodness or kindness.


What is Fidyah?


Fidyah is paid by those who are unable to fast because of illness, old age or infirmity. Fidyah consists of paying for two meals for a person per day of fasting missed. If you are obliged to pay Fidyah, the current rate is:
• £5 per day
• For 30 fasts of Ramadan, the amount is £150


What is Fitrana?


Fitrana is a small amount of charity given before the Eid al-Fitr prayer to mark the end of Ramadan. The current monetary rate for Fitrana is £5. It can be given either directly before the prayer or a few days in advance.


Every Muslim is obliged, if they have the means, to pay this - payment should be made by responsible adults of sound mind on behalf of children or others in their care that are unable to make the payment themselves.



What is Kaffarah?


If you deliberately miss* a fast or break a fast in Ramadan without a legitimate reason, then you are obliged to make up for this by way of Kaffarah; to fast for 60 continuous days per fast missed or broken.
If due to illness, old age or infirmity you are unable to fast for 60 consecutive days, then you may give a monetary amount as Kaffarah. For each fast missed or broken, you are obliged to pay the equivalent of two meals for 60 people.
Based on £5 as the price of two meals, Kaffarah for one fast missed or broken is £300.


*The majority of scholars and schools of fiqh (jurispudence) say that missing a fast without a justifiable reason should be made up by a Qadah fast and that Kaffarah is not liable. However, some have ruled that Kaffarah is liable even in these cases. Please consult your local imam or shaykh, or a qualified scholar, for more guidance.


How to Donate


Donations to Islamic Help can be made in a number of ways; online, at, by phone on 0121 446 5682 and through bank transfers, direct debit, cheque or cash, which can be handed in directly at events or at any of our offices.

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