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IH Sponsorships: Orphans
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IH Sponsorships: Orphans
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IH Sponsorships: Orphans
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IH Sponsorships: Orphans
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IH Sponsorships: Orphans
Give Sadaqah/Aqiqah
0121 446 5682

The Compassion of Islam

Islam is a religion of compassion, making allowances for those who would otherwise suffer harm or injury by fasting. The principle of fidyah has been proclaimed by Allah the Most Merciful in Surah Al Baqarah in the Qur’an (2:184): So whoever among you is ill or on a journey [during them] - then an equal number of days [are to be made up]. And upon those who are able [to fast, but with hardship] - a ransom [as substitute] of feeding a poor person [each day]

The Obligation of Fidyah

Individuals who cannot fast at all are obliged to pay Fidyah, the daily equivalent of two meals for a person for each day of fasting missed. Fidyah is liable on those who cannot fast because they are old, infirm or have a long term illness. People who miss fasts for other reasons, e.g. they're ill, pregnancy, menstruation or travel, are obliged to make up for them by fasting on other days. It is generally accepted that this must be done by the next Ramadan

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Serving those most in need

If fidyah is £5 per day – the equivalent of providing 2 meals-a-day for an individual - then someone who cannot fast in a 30-day month of Ramadan is obliged to pay £150. We use your fidyah to feed the poorest and most vulnerable in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. The beneficiaries include refugees, the disabled, widows, orphans and the poverty-stricken, who we serve with food packs containing essential, staple items, or cooked meals at collective iftars.


What's happened so far.

In Ramadan 2020, we distributed family food packs in more than a dozen countries for 137,000 beneficiaries, providing food security during the month, and cooked meals for more than 75,000 beneficiaries.

212k People helped
12+ Countries
28k Food packs distributed

Important information

Kaffarah – not fidyah – is liable on anyone who intentionally misses a fast. For each fast missed or broken, you are obliged to pay the equivalent of two meals for 60 people daily. Please consult your local imam or shaykh, or a qualified scholar, for more guidance.

CA$ 50
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