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0121 446 5682

Monsoons Bring Devastation

Extreme monsoon weather and flash floods have wreaked devastation across Pakistan, with more than 1,000 deaths and hundreds of thousands of families displaced. The catastrophe has affected the entire country - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab provinces in the north, and Sindh and Balochistan provinces in the south. Whole communities have been destroyed; agricultural land left underwater; buildings swept away by floodwaters, and bridges and roads destroyed.

Most Vulnerable

Pakistan regularly suffers heavy floods during the monsoon season but this year’s weather has been even more destructive. After an extreme heatwave, the nation recorded 60% of its total monsoon rainfall in just three weeks. The country is listed as the most vulnerable on the Global Climate Risk Index, and a population in which a quarter already live in extreme poverty or are undernourished is now suffering even more devastating impacts of climate change.

Alleviate the Suffering

According to authorities in Pakistan, over 33 million people have been affected. The number is expected to rise substantially as experts predict a third of the country could be underwater before the floods subside. Islamic Help’s long-established team in Pakistan is distributing emergency aid in some of the worst-hit areas. Your donations will provide food, shelter, clothing and medicines, and alleviate the suffering of those who desperately need support.


What’s happened so far

More than 33 million people across the country have been affected by the floods, the heaviest in more than a decade.

30m need aid
300k homes destroyed
1k+ deaths

Important information

All donations will go to our Pakistan Floods Emergency Relief Fund and used to provide emergency aid to those who have been affected in Balochistan, south Punjab and Sindh province.

CA$ 50
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