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“… And we send water down from the sky, in measure, and allocate it on Earth, and lo! We are also ab...

“… And we send water down from the sky, in measure, and allocate it on Earth, and lo! We are also ab...

The Importance of Water in Islam

“… And we send water down from the sky, in measure, and allocate it on Earth, and lo! We are also able to withdraw it.”

-      The Holy Qur’an (23:18)

Until we actually stop to think about it, it can be easy to take the natural resource that is water for granted. While we do not tend to see or realise just how much water we waste on a daily basis; it is still something very valuable to life and something that many people around the world are lacking in and praying for.

In today’s convenient world, we often don’t think twice before wasting water on unnecessary things such as washing our cars or just running the tap waiting for the correct temperature. When we run a long bath, flush the toilet, excessively wash dishes, brush our teeth or spend extra time in the shower just because we feel like it – it can be easy to forget about those who are in desperate need for something we all too often waste.

As one of the most important elements in nature, water is needed and required for almost all life and everything that we do relies upon this wonderful element.

Water is a valuable resource in both life and in the ways of Islam, and as such, it is considered a great charitable act in Islam to give water to another living thing on earth. Such act is greatly rewarded and brings us closer to Allah SWT.

A living thing can be another human being, an animal or even a plant; these are all Allah SWT’s creations.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) once narrated:

“The best form of charity is to give someone water.” 

Another way we tend to waste water is in the performing of wudhu (ablution); it is not necessary to overuse water during the performance of ablution, so long as what you are using is sufficient enough to complete the necessary ghusl.

There are many ways in which we can save water in our daily routines, such as using a small bucket of limited water in which to perform ablution with, or turning the tap off whilst brushing our teeth -along with many other ways we can look into recycling water. 

“… And waste not by excess, for Allah loves not the wasters.”

-      The Holy Qur’an (7:31) 

The simple act of giving someone water is highly rewarded in Islam, so imagine the reward for giving the use of a water source? This is regarded as sadaqah jaariyah and its rewards will benefit the giver even after their demise - so long as others continue to benefit from this given source of water.

Such an act of giving can be done by way of donating towards our water and sanitation projects. These allow us to dig wells for those in need and provide water pumps where needed. Even if a bird drinks from this source of water, the giver will benefit and receive a blessing for it.

Giving access to water and sanitation can help save lives. Our water campaign aims to deliver water sources to those in need, and include anything from hand pumps to digging a well to building a water purification plant; your donation goes towards making a huge difference for someone in need.

For more information on Islamic Help’s water projects, click here, or alternatively, give us a call and we would be happy to help.

written by | islamic help


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