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Monday 1st June 2015 is an important date; it’s the date that International Children’s Day is observ...

Kids Helping Kids: International Children’s Day

Monday 1st June 2015 is an important date; it’s the date that International Children’s Day is observed by some of the countries Islamic Help works in, such as Tanzania, Bosnia and Yemen.

This day is a time to celebrate and honour children and young people everywhere. Moreover, it is a chance for relief and aid organisations like Islamic Help to raise awareness of issues like child labour, abuse, poverty, homelessness, slavery and the impact of conflict on children and their families in affected regions.

Of course, anything that has a negative impact on children’s lives or violates their human rights is something that needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency, and our staff and volunteers are already on the ground helping where we can.

International Children’s Day is about more than just PR spin and cursory nods though. It is an opportunity for both adults and children to make a real difference. In fact, your youngsters should be encouraged to do their part, show they care and help other kids around the world.

Kids helping kids. It’s a great idea, and one that can be put into practice with ease. What’s more is that the concept is a superb way to introduce younger generations to the issues, and inspire them to take action now and in the future.

So if you need a few ideas as to how your kids can help others this June, whatever their age, see our suggestions below.

Tots (8 and under):

Teddy Bear (or Toy) Auction - not only does this raise money as parents bid on toys, but it also ensures used or outgrown toys are upcycled instead of wasted

  • Fancy Dress Fun – throw a party and let youngsters get dressed up in their favourite fancy dress costumes, with a 50p or £1 charge
  • Sponsored Cookie’n’Cake Decorating – let little ones get messy icing cookies and cakes, either on a time limit or with a view to auction off the completed masterpieces
  • Raffle – this can be a joint effort between kids and parents, but a classic raffle is always a good choice
  • Magic Show – a challenge for parents who can learn magic tricks (or source a charitable professional), and fun for the kids who get to watch and be amazed

Tweens (8-13):

  • Jumble Sale – get everyone in the house, street, or family involved; gather up any bric-a-brac and hold a sale, with the proceeds going to charity
  • Cookies, Cakes and Drinks Stand – let your youngsters make baked goods, fresh lemonade and the like, then sell them at a stand
  • Put on a Show – have fun with theatrical entertainment and host a production, to which people can buy tickets
  • Cinema Night – invite friends’ and family’s kids to watch a few movies and snack on popcorn for a good cause
  • Video Game Tournament – does what it says on the tin, and an entry fee will go towards fundraising…for bonus points: go for Wii sports to keep them active

Teens (14+):

  • Car Wash – treat the adults and let the teens wash, wax and polish people’s rides for a donation
  • Carnival/Games Stands – this can be done at school, at home or even at a youth club, with proceeds going to charity
  • Pay-As-You-Go Party – let your teens plan a party and charge a fee for charity
  • Sponsored Sports Competitions – football, rounders, and whatever other sports your teens enjoy will make for a fantastic sponsored sports competition

These suggestions are just a sample of the various things your kids could do to help. Ultimately, however they decide to go about it, and whatever ideas they come up with themselves, the important thing is that they learn and are encouraged to be charitable.

Of course, that isn’t to say that International Children’s Day is the only time they should help because making a difference is more than a 24-hour affair.

So use this day as a reminder that you and your family need to play your part now, and all year round. Better yet, be sure to encourage understanding and philanthropy among the younger members of the household, and get your kids helping kids in need!

written by | islamic help


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