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Islamic Help has officially been shortlisted as Charity of the Year for the British Muslim Awards 20...

Islamic Help has officially been shortlisted as Charity of the Year for the British Muslim Awards 20...

Islamic Help – Charity of the Year Finalists


Islamic Help has officially been shortlisted as Charity of the Year for the British Muslim Awards 2015 Finals, to be held on 27th January 2015.

The British Muslim Awards is an annual event that acknowledges the achievements and successes of individual British Muslims. This, in turn, highlights the various roles Muslims play in contributing towards a better Britain.

We feel privileged and honoured to have made the finals and feel it is great recognition for Islamic Help. We would like to thank our committed staff and volunteers because it is down to all their hard work and commitment that we are in this position today. We also owe a special thank you to all of our donators for their contributions, big or small, and for supporting Islamic Help to help others in need. May Allah (SWT) reward them all for their efforts.

We are also pleased to acknowledge that Hamzah Hafesji of Islamic Help, Birmingham is amongst the finalists for the Young Achiever of the Year award. Amongst other attributes, he has been recognised for his hard work with Islamic Help in Tanzania where he spent a year on placement, working on the Eco Village project. For more information on any of our campaigns or how to sponsor an orphan, then visit our website today and make a difference!

The Eco Village, home to the unique and extraordinary Eco Mosque, is an innovative project that Islamic Help has been working on in Tanzania since 2009. Our main goal is to promote sustainable development in order to provide for these orphans today and to help shape their tomorrows. Our aim is to form this self-sustaining community, while injecting passion and commitment to their environment, in order to inspire a lasting stable livelihood.

We aspire to help the children gain transferable skills that will be useful to them as they progress and construct a positive future; this is done by delivering the compassionate family environment and the mental and physical security they need to flourish. In addition, we also help them acquire the necessary survival skills to progress and live a productive life as an adult.

Hamzah, who has already won a handful of awards at the Community Foundation’s West Midlands Youth Achievement Awards in 2014, is also a former Mission Possible volunteer.

Mission Possible is a campaign introduced by Islamic Help that involves volunteers travelling abroad for up to 10 days, following various fundraising and campaigning activities. We take the volunteers to where help is greatly needed. This provides volunteers with the opportunity to experience the circumstances first-hand while being able to witness the difference their efforts can actually make.

Initially, the volunteers begin by arranging various different projects to raise funds, such as street collections, charity dinners, family fun days and sponsored events. They even brave certain challenges such as sponsored walks, bike rides, marathons and even mountain climbs, in order to raise funds. They then embark on their journey overseas to deliver the aid themselves. They are fully supported by Islamic Help throughout their journey.

So, a massive well done to Hamzah and to everyone taking part in this year’s British Muslim Awards, but most of all a huge jazakallah khair to all of our supporters, staff and volunteers for all their hard work, enthusiasm and dedication, which has enabled us to get to where we are today.

For more information on Mission Possible or the Eco Village project by, and to find out how you can make a difference with your donation or your time, browse our newly designed website today.


written by | islamic help


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There are so many ways to help, make sure you stay in the loop and sign up to our Newsletter or find out more about our latest Mission Possible Tour

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