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1st June 2015 is a very special occasion for parents worldwide; it’s International Day of Children! ...

International Day of Children in June

1st June 2015 is a very special occasion for parents worldwide; it’s International Day of Children! Here in the UK though, we often don’t realise how privileged our children actually are.

With education, essentials like food, water, shelter and clothing in abundance, and almost a promise of a stable livelihood behind them, children in the UK today benefit massively from what is on offer.

Sadly though, in developing countries, the guarantee of a good education, or any education at all, not to mention living essentials and jobs, is more than just a privilege; it is a dream.

In a unified effort, however, we can all make a huge difference to the lives of millions of children around the world who are living in poverty and tackling hunger and disease day to day.

Yes, we should celebrate International Day of Children for the privileges our own children have been blessed with, but we should also spare a thought for those who are less fortunate. In fact, we could all make a conscious effort to donate to a good cause this June, whether that is a financial contribution or one of time.

Here at Islamic Help, we have many ways you can get involved and change a life. Whether it is a ‘one-off’ or you’d love to maintain ongoing support for children in developing countries, every donation counts and contributions work towards a bigger picture and a brighter future.

If, however, you don’t want to make a financial contribution, why not donate your time by volunteering or taking on your own challenge to raise money for a good cause?

You could make a list of things you believe you take for granted and go without them for a day, putting yourself in the shoes of a child in a developing country. Or, you could put your talents to the test by organising a ‘fun run’, mini art show or even a simple lemonade stand, all the while getting your children involved too.

Conversely, if you are interested in making a monetary donation, you can sponsor a child through Islamic Help. Not only will this sponsorship provide children with daily essentials like food, clean water, shelter and access to medical support, but it will also ensure they have the tools they need for a more positive future. This includes educational tools, as well as those designed to help them become self-sufficient when they become adults.

If you’re wondering how to sponsor a child or what impact it can have, please see our website for details. Alternatively, you can get in touch today if you have any specific queries.

written by | islamic help


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