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It can be difficult to emphasise the reality of the importance of water; not just in Islam but also ...

It can be difficult to emphasise the reality of the importance of water; not just in Islam but also ...

Do you take Water for Granted?

It can be difficult to emphasise the reality of the importance of water; not just in Islam but also in life in general.

“…and we made from water, every living thing.”

- The Holy Qur’an (21:30)

Every single living thing is made from water.

In human beings, water actually forms two-thirds of our body weight and approximately three-quarters of our brain.

There is water in our blood, saliva, joints and even our bones. In fact, water is also essential to regulating human body temperature! Even the slightest decrease in water can lead to dehydration – and in the human body, this can result in severe illness and even have fatal consequences.

Not only is water important when it comes to keeping our bodies healthy and in working order, but it is also an essential when it comes to sanitation and personal hygiene.

Purity is of paramount importance in Islam, and water is an essential element to this – which is why water conservation holds such significance in Islam.

Water is a focal element of the act of ghusl/wudhu (ablution), which is performed prior to many religious acts - including daily prayer - in order to maintain purity and cleanliness before Allah SWT. In Islam, purity forms half of one’s deen (faith), as purity and cleanliness is a prerequisite of prayer alongside many other things.

Water is a primary element in everything on Earth; crops would not grow without rainwater, animals would not survive without water, human beings would neither exist or survive without water and the process of purification and sanitation would not occur. Therefore, in Islam, water is seen as a gift, a mercy and blessing from our Creator, the Almighty.

It is, therefore, our duty to conserve this gift as it is given to us. However, in certain countries around the world, water has become contaminated and can be a source of many diseases. There are areas where water is short in supply or even inaccessible. Instead of giving life, this dirty, unpotable water is taking life away.

World Water Day – 22nd March

There are billions of people across the world that are facing water scarcity or lack of access to safe water for both drinking and reasons of sanitation. It is our duty to share our given affluence in order to help those who are living in such conditions. Something as basic as access to clean water could transform many lives around the world!

There are many things that we can be mindful of and do in everyday life in order to preserve and appreciate the gift of water, and World Water Day serves as a reminder of this.

· When washing dishes, don’t keep water running

· Only shower for as long as is necessary, and avoid running a bath

· Avoid wasting water when washing the car etc.

· Don’t leave taps running whilst brushing teeth or performing wudhu. Instead, you can use a sufficient amount of water from a bucket for ablution purposes

· Wash consumables (fruit, vegetables) in a bowl of water as opposed to under the running tap

· Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily

· Rainwater harvesting is a productive method you can employ in order to recycle water whilst also appreciating its value

Every living being on this Earth has an equal right to water; therefore its overuse can be seen as taking advantage and not appreciating what we have been given. It is our duty to look after and preserve this gift we have been given from our Creator and to ensure that everyone has equal opportunity to benefit from this blessing.

“We sent rainwater from the sky in due measure, gave it lodging on the Earth, and equally, We are also able to detract it”

- The Holy Qur’an (23:18)

Play your part and donate towards Islamic Help’s Water and Sanitation Project and help give back to those who are desperately in need of access to safe and clean water today.

written by | islamic help


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