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Good health is a key factor for sufficient growth and development of the human body; it greatly cont...

Good health is a key factor for sufficient growth and development of the human body; it greatly cont...

3 Tips for Staying Healthy During Ramadan 2018

Good health is a key factor for sufficient growth and development of the human body; it greatly contributes towards a healthy, functioning mind, as well as longer life expectancy.

In the society that we live in, we are accustomed to health being at the forefront of absolutely everything we do and with Ramadan 2018 just around the corner, we should start preparing ourselves for the healthiest journey possible.

In light of World Health Day on 7th April, here are a few great tips for staying healthy this Ramadan.

Do Not Skip Suhoor

Suhoor is there for a reason and is just as important as breakfast on any normal day. Suhoor is designed to ensure we load our bodies with sufficient energy to get through the day whilst ensuring we stay hydrated. Great things to eat for suhoor are slow energy-releasing carbohydrates and high-fibre foods such as bananas, oats, wheat and grains. Dates are packed with so many good nutrients, which is why they are a key element of Ramadan. Also, try to avoid caffeinated drinks such as fizzy pop, tea and coffee and instead, stick to water and milk.

Ensure You Still Get Your Five a Day

Preparing for Ramadan does not mean arranging pre-made samosas and pastries in the freezer, ready to fry for iftar during the Holy month. The main reason many feel bloated and gain weight during Ramadan is due to a combination of the consumption of fried foods - which we wouldn’t be eating on a daily basis – and overeating. Instead, opt for a bowl of watermelon for iftar, give yourself a small break to attend prayers and you’ll be surprised to find that you weren’t as hungry as you initially thought. Also, don’t forget that the body requires much more energy to break down fats, which, in turn, becomes a long, sluggish process as a result. Add grains, fruit and vegetables to your suhoor and iftar and you will find yourself with a lot more energy than you would expect during the fasting day.

Stick to Water

It is very important to remember that water is a key element to ensuring you stay healthy - during Ramadan or otherwise! Fizzy and caffeinated drinks stimulate water loss much faster, which can, inevitably, lead to dehydration. Whilst many of us are accustomed to the traditional cup of tea at some point in the day, moderate intake is okay but steer clear of fizzy drinks as they cause unwanted bloating. Just remember, water is always the best option to ensure you stay hydrated for longer.

Ramadan 2018

One of the many purposes of the Holy month of Ramadan is to remember those less fortunate than us who ultimately have a lack of food and water. Cramming as much as we can into our stomach between the hours of iftar and suhoor is defeating the purpose entirely.

There are many millions across the world who do not have the privilege of food and drink for suhoor and iftar, so spare a thought for them this Ramadan 2018.

BeOne with the Hungry and donate a food pack to someone in need with Islamic Help.

written by | islamic help


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