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Nepal Earthquake Appeal

Nepal Earthquake Appeal

Nepal Earthquake Appeal

What's Happening?



On April 25th, 2015, a devastating earthquake hit the country of Nepal, leaving over 9,000 people dead, 22,000 injured and thousands more homeless. The earthquake hit just east of the Gorkha District and was the worst natural disaster in Nepal for over 80 years. Reaching a magnitude of 7.8, tremors were felt in both India and Pakistan. There were reports of victims in India, Bangladesh, Tibet and on Mount Everest, too, where avalanches were triggered as a result of the quake.

Entire villages were destroyed across wide areas of the country, and historic buildings wiped out in the process. There were minor aftershocks every 15-20 minutes following the initial earthquake and then sadly another major aftershock on May 12th, reaching 7.3 in magnitude. Hundreds of people were killed and thousands more injured in this devastating natural disaster.


Sadly, Nepal has always been vulnerable to earthquakes and other natural disasters because of the natural geology, as well as the architecture and infrastructure of the country. In Nepal, charities like Islamic Help have been working together to help rebuild communities following this devastating natural disaster.


Our Aid to Nepal?


We were on the ground, working with our partners to deliver life-saving emergency aid to the people who needed it most. The emergency food parcels we delivered contained 20kgs rice, 2kgs lentils, cooking oil, potatoes, salt and soybean which was enough to sustain a family for a month.


Whole communities were destroyed, leaving families homeless and exposed to the freezing night temperatures. Shelter is a huge issue and we worked hard to ensure as many people as possible had access to tents, blankets and clothes for men, women and children. As well as providing these essentials to those who were left homeless following the earthquake, with your donations we were able to build semi-permanent homes for families, too.


By working with other Nepal charity organisations to provide essential aid, we were able to provide relief to more families, reaching over 8,000 people in the first few weeks following the earthquake.


Emergency Housing


With so many Nepalese left homeless following the earthquake, we launched a major programme to help provide semi-permanent housing for those with nowhere else to go. Working with the Mount Trust (TMT), we provided the means and building materials required for homeless villagers to build emergency shelter before the monsoons arrived in June.


We worked with the most vulnerable people first, in the village of Bhalai Danda with the Chepang people. With just a £300 donation, we were able to provide, amongst others:


  • 12 x 12ft long corrugated metal sheets
  • 15 x cement packs
  • Toilet pan
  • Gas pipes and wastage pipes for toilet sanitation
  • Rods
  • Essential bedding: mattresses, quilts, pillows, mosquito nets
  • Minor utensils


With these materials, emergency shelters were built before the monsoon season hit, preventing many more injuries, illness and death for over 100 families.


Rebuilding Communities


After almost a third of the population were impacted by the earthquake, we again partnered with TMT to help with the reconstruction of Jiven Joyti School in the Gorkha district, which was entirely destroyed by the quake. There were barriers to sourcing the raw materials due to political unrest but work finally began on rebuilding the school which served 72 pupils, in January 2016.


Utilising the Adobe method of construction, we were able to provide new buildings that were twice as resistant to earthquakes compared to more traditional methods. This method provides rooms that are cooler in summer, warmer in winter and are a dry environment for learning which is much more efficient for the Nepalese people to maintain.


We also helped draw up a construction programme that would help to rebuild permanent homes for those whose houses were destroyed in the earthquake.


How you can help!


Make a Difference!


DONATE:  With your help will be able to ensure food, water, shelter and medicine are provided to families in desperate need


TELL YOUF FRIENDS: Be generous  - share this campaign on your social networks or go to our Facebook page and join the conversation


FUNDRAISE: Start a campaign. Become an activist - set up your own fundraising page on our brand new platform iHelp Give


As well as living with the consequences of the earthquake, many Nepalese people were already living in poverty and struggling to get by. The natural disasters coupled with the dramatic effect of climate change hit the nation’s economy hard, making farming the land almost impossible.


Where your donations will be spent


• Food: £25 could pay for a food parcel to help a family• Shelter and NFI (Non food items): £50 could pay for tents, blankets and clothes• Food and Shelter/NFI: £75 why not buy both in one life-saving package• Emergency Housing: £300 - build semi perminent home for a famliy


Why Nepal Charity Work is Important


To the people of Nepal, charities like Islamic Help providing vital aid after a natural disaster is an essential lifeline. For the majority of these people, life after the earthquake was one of suffering. An increase in poverty and lack of sanitation, hygiene and permanent shelter made the recovery process much harder. Livelihoods suffered, education suffered, and there was a major need for re-education when it came to rebuilding the country in order to reduce the risk of damage from further disasters.


In Nepal, charities like Islamic Help are a much-needed helping hand through the rubble and destruction. By helping us provide aid to Nepal, you are helping improve their lives for the better.


On behalf of the Nepalese, we thank you.




written by | islamic help


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