Our Story
IH Sponsorships: Orphans
Empowerment Projects
IH Sponsorships: Orphans
Water Aid
IH Sponsorships: Orphans
Long-term Crisis
IH Sponsorships: Orphans
Long-term Crisis
Environmental Sustainability
IH Sponsorships: Orphans
Environmental Sustainability
Economic Empowerment
IH Sponsorships: Orphans
Economic Empowerment
Build a Mosque
IH Sponsorships: Orphans
Build a Mosque
Give Sadaqah/Aqiqah
IH Sponsorships: Orphans
Give Sadaqah/Aqiqah
0121 446 5682

Our Work

Our Work

Our Work

"And those in whose wealth is a recognised right; for the needy who asks and those who are deprived"

Qur’an 70:24-25

Right now, we’re working to reduce poverty and suffering in many countries around the world.

We work with communities to strengthen their resilience to disasters, and act fast to provide vital aid when the worst happens. We help poor people to access education and healthcare, as well as earn a reliable living, through our innovative approach to integrated development, and an emphasis on taking care of the environment. 

We also tackle the root causes of poverty, making sure that the world’s most vulnerable people have a strong voice and real influence in our programmes ensuring the best possible outcomes for them

written by | islamic help


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