What is Kaffarah?
If you deliberately miss a fast* or break a fast in Ramadan without a legitimate reason, then you are obliged to make up for this by way of Kaffarah, to fast for 60 continuous days per fast missed or broken.
If due to illness, old age or infirmity you are unable to fast for 60 consecutive days, then you may give a monetary amount as Kaffarah. For each fast missed or broken, you are obliged to pay the equivalent of 2 meals for 60 people.
Based on £5 as the price of two meals, Kaffarah for one fast missed or broken is £300.
*The majority of scholars and schools of fiqh (jurispudence) say that missing a fast without a justifiable reason should be made up by a Qadah fast and that Kaffarah is not liable. However, some have ruled that Kaffarah is liable even in these cases. Please consult your local imam or shaykh, or a qualified scholar, for more guidance.