Our Duty to Our Planet
“The Earth is sweet and green and verily Allah (swt) has made you stewards of it”
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Hadith Sahih Muslim)
The Qur’an describes the believing men and women as those who “walk on the Earth in humility” (25:63), meaning that Muslims are to protect nature’s many bounties given to us by the Almighty. Protection of the Earth is more than a beneficial policy recommendation - it is a commandment from Allah swt.
In the Qur'an, the Almighty compels Muslims to respect and look after the environment when He says: “Greater indeed than the creation of man is the creation of the heavens and the Earth” (40:57).
We must Restore Our Earth not just because we care about the natural world, but because we live in it and because our children will have to live in it too.
However, as well as us and our future generations, poor, vulnerable people have to live in a world that we have taken advantage of and that they are feeling the repercussions of. For us to truly empower people, we must ensure that the Earth’s eco systems are working and protected.
Every one of us - including the vulnerable people across the globe fighting natural disasters, poverty and climate change - needs a healthy Earth to support our jobs, health and survival, livelihoods and happiness.
With Earth Day 2021 taking place during Ramadan, why not follow some of our tips on how to make your Ramadan eco-friendlier:
1. Plant a Tree or Flowerpot – Plants are constantly doing dhikr (remembrance) of Allah swt and are a source of ongoing good deeds for you, even after you have passed away
2. Eat Less Meat – Prophet Muhammad ﷺ rarely ate meat and there are numerous ahadith warning against meat overconsumption as it is one of the leading causes of climate change
3. Increase and Spread Knowledge – Information is readily available at your fingertips. Use this month to increase your knowledge about your duty to nature and the environment as a Muslim
4. Recite Qur’an in your garden – Enjoy Allah’s gift of nature to you whilst reciting Qur’an
5. Buy Only What You Need – The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ ate very simply. Consider less extravagant meals for Iftar and Suhur and buy only what you need
6. Save Water in Wudu – The Prophet ﷺ used a “mudd” of water for his wudu (approx. 500ml). Revive this Sunnah and save water
7. Environmental Charitable Giving – Ramadan is the month of giving. Give to environmental causes. The root cause of poverty is linked heavily with our failure to protect eco-system services.
A more sustainable world requires efforts in every aspect of our society and that starts with all of us. We must come together as a global community to Restore Our Earth.
"…Allah Almighty does not change the condition of people unless they change what is in themselves". (Quran 13:11)
To find out more about what Islamic Help is doing for the environment and our planet:
If you’d like to get involved in some of our climate action work, please email: [email protected]