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Response to The Telegraph story

Response to The Telegraph story

Islamic Help: Response to The Telegraph story

Islamic Help: Response to The Telegraph story


07 October 2015

Islamic Help: Response to The Telegraph story of 03/10/2015

On Saturday 3 October 2015, The Telegraph newspaper published an article on its website headlined ‘Terror-link charity was due to host joint official reception with Tory party’.

The article, by Andrew Gilligan, made reference to membership of the Muslim Charities Forum (MCF). Referring to some of the members, it states “Islamic Help, which works closely with a Hamas front organisation in Gaza…”

Islamic Help categorically refutes any insinuation or inference that it is linked to any banned, terrorist or extremist organisation or individuals.
We have no connection or affiliation with any such entities, or with the other organisations referred to in this article, namely the Union of Good and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Our work in Gaza is carried out through our own office established in 2012 and through credible partners including the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. All the work is subjected to due diligence and proper records are maintained in line with Charity Commission regulations.

The Charity Commission carried out a recent visit during which they examined records relating to our work in Gaza for the last year. They have placed on record their satisfaction with our practices relating to our work in volatile or sensitive regions and encouraged us to continue the processes we already in place, which we fully intend to do.

Islamic Help

written by | islamic help


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