A far better future is possible if our collective response to the climate crisis is guided by compassion, love and justice. We must not only provide the relief that so many need to survive. We must create a new culture, politics and economy of life that heals people and planet. Islamic Help has a part to play, as Saba Yasin explains.
The threat of climate change
For nearly two decades, Islamic Help has served the poorest and most vulnerable of populations and worked hand-in-hand with these communities to ensure we are always supporting and empowering those most in need. While witnessing the effects of conflict, poverty and natural disasters globally, we have used innovation, education and awareness to try and create positive change in the lives of our beneficiaries.
However, over these years we have realised that the biggest threat which the most vulnerable of our communities face is climate change. Environmental disasters, flooding and increased pollution are disproportionately affecting the world’s poorest and further fuelling the problems that they are already struggling against.
At Islamic Help, we realise that to help the poorest we must tackle the root cause of those problems – climate change. This does not mean just delivering material aid or projects; it includes standing up for the rights of all those who are unfairly impacted by the effects of environmental problems.
As well as understanding that change starts with us, we also recognise that we must push governments and others, including national and international decision makers, to make change. It is with this sense of duty to the world around us and its people and our ethos of empowering people in need, especially the most vulnerable, that Islamic Help, alongside other global civil organisations, is calling on world governments to pursue:
1. 100% affordable renewable energy for all: 800 million people around the world currently have no access to electricity
2. Jobs and healthcare for all: Provide the necessary support for workers and migrants affected by climate change to get into work; to give them healthcare, job training and placement and other necessary support
3. Respect indigenous rights: Standing up for the rights of people who live away from our societies and are protectors of the natural environment
4. Welcome for migrants: Generous hospitality and opportunities for climate and environmental refugees to migrate and establish new homes
5. No more climate pollution: Net zero greenhouse gas emissions in wealthy countries by 2030 to improve air quality
6. Fair contributions from wealthy countries: The wealthiest countries are the ones which have done the most damage to our climate – we are calling for them to make the necessary financial and technological contributions to help the poorest who are affected by their actions
7. Bold faith community leadership: Sustained, united action guided by the teachings of our diverse religions, ushering in an equitable, peaceful life for all.
What is Islamic Help doing to safeguard nature and its ecosystem services?
At Islamic Help, we recognise that NGOs have a huge part to play in transforming the way people think and the way we carry out our projects. Acknowledging this, we understand that this new journey for Islamic Help will allow us to carry out our duty of looking for more sustainable and climate-friendly ways to do things, part of which is to start our own internal and external campaigning team.
We aim to empower, and to do that we need to make changes first within to then have an effect globally. To do this, we are setting up a climate action department which will be campaigning on a local, national and international level with donors, volunteers and staff to take climate action seriously.
We are committed to meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. To do this we are also seeking accreditation from the United Nations Environment programme, so that we are able to advocate for change on a global platform, as well as working together with a coalition of young people of other faiths to call for action with the UN Faith for Earth programme.
Click here to know more about what Islamic Help is doing and how you can get involved:
Today, Islamic Help is calling for these actions to be carried out in line with the urgency of the climate crisis, and we are asking for your help to support this. Tomorrow, we will continue to build our grass roots movements and global projects together to do our part in implementing the urgent action needed to create a just and sustainable world for our children and the generations to come.
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) would have dedicated himself to their service, so as a Muslim community we should also have that love so we can keep this prophetic ethos alive. Allah has given us this Earth as an Amanah (trust) and we should not destroy that.
"Be a community that calls for what is good, urges what is right and forbids what is wrong. Those who do, are the successful ones" (Quran 3:104)
Find out more about the GreenFaith Day of Action at www.greenfaith.org/take-action/