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IH Sponsorships: Orphans
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IH Sponsorships: Orphans
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IH Sponsorships: Orphans
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IH Sponsorships: Orphans
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IH Sponsorships: Orphans
Environmental Sustainability
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IH Sponsorships: Orphans
Economic Empowerment
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IH Sponsorships: Orphans
Build a Mosque
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IH Sponsorships: Orphans
Give Sadaqah/Aqiqah
0121 446 5682

Islamic Help - As Sabiroun - Webinar Links

The following links were shared with you during the As Sabiroun - Times of Hardship webinar, we thought we would compile them for you to make things easier.   DONATIONS FOR WATER: https://www.launchgood.com/campaign/water_hand_pumps_for_150__sadaqah_jariyah#!/ DONATIONS FOR FOOD: https://www.launchgood.com/campaign/1_for_1_cooked_meal__feed_the_hungry_campaign#!/  MONTHLY DONATIONS FOR WATER: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSca7bsLNajH2SDN1hBZIA8N1xTl3u1L50XVT4-s8vxxoaKi6w/viewform  MONTHLY DONATIONS FOR GENERAL PROJECTS: https://forms.gle/segnbSVjt9ZihsRK8 PLEDGE FOR WATER: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd8Om5iXiTk-MI16Ketjdkf7inr7-FyvcsPVGuc02u3M1sVaA/viewform?usp=sf_link PLEDGE FOR FOOD: https://forms.gle/ajdWnCqeBJ1NxyYw9   FEEDBACK - TIMES OF HARDSHIP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeVHgUFOCRmt_jn_W65vhZOG29qqx9Hkar3cbKSPP6F67KRJA/viewform?usp=sf_link FEEDBACK - SURAH AD DUHA: https://forms.gle/rVnmCNcgbA5h4UAS8   Presentation: https://we.tl/t-KKZgIr7WBc UPCOMING WEBINARS: https://www.islamichelp.org.uk/events/ UPDATES: To join our Telegram group to find out about our latest webinars and campaigns, please use this link: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEoiR7YB1qva04AFWw    You can also follow us on social media: Facebook: www.facebook.com/islamichelp Instagram: www.instagram.com/islamichelp Twitter: www.twitter.com/islamichelp
written by | islamic help


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